The Methods and Measurement Group at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro is home to pioneering projects in psychometrics and statistics. Led by Prof. Dr. Luis Anunciação, our group fosters a dynamic research environment. We host students and collaborators focused on the quantitative methods applied to neuroscience and psychology.

Our current studies are organized into two main lines:

  1. Development of Tools and Interventions: We create innovative psychological and neuropsychological assessments tailored for both clinical and general populations. Utilizing cutting-edge statistical methods, our group has developed tools for evaluating attention, memory, intelligence, and stress. These assessments were developed with Nila Press Publishing, and are approved by the Brazilian Federal Council of Psychology. Currently, they are widely used by psychologists and health professionals.

  2. Psychometric Analysis of Psychological Data: We employ both classical (e.g., Factor Analysis) and contemporary methods (e.g., Item Response Theory, Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence) to analyze psychological data. Our partnerships with the University of Oregon and Gênios Educacional exemplify our commitment to advancing the field. With the University of Oregon, we analyze data from the Ages and Stages Questionnaires to study child development, including overall growth patterns and social-emotional skills. With Gênios Educacional, we are developing psychometrically sound tools to assess Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in children and adolescents and to evaluate the effectiveness of academic curricula.

In addition to these main research lines, we engage in a variety of satellite projects. These include studies on female autism, the social dynamics of inmate interactions, the long-term effects of COVID-19, and the differences in beliefs and values between traditional and contemporary families.

Located within the Department of Psychology at PUC-Rio, our group thrives on collaboration with esteemed colleagues, such as Dr. Landeira-Fernandez, Dr. Thomas Krahe from the Catholic University and Dr. Jane Squires and Dr. Christopher Murray from the University of Oregon. We are a lively research group that believes in people and in the curiosity and creativity that move them. We see the scientific method as a means to explore and understand the reality that surrounds us. We think methods and measurements improve our society and help people. We are deeply invested in moving the needle in science. 

Main projects

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Screening for Autism

Screening for autism The Screening for Autism in Adults (SfA-A) and the Screening for Autism in Females (SfA-F) were developed…

Psych and Stats

Manuscripts and publications With the Catholic University and the University of Oregon, the following projects are being conducted: Autism in…

Genios educacional

Social and emotional Learning In partnership with Genios Educacional, since 2023 we have had a joint project to develop psychological…

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Our lab is led by professor Luis Anunciacao. He holds positions at both the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Oregon. We have many collaborations with Dr. J. Landeira-Fernandez, and Dr. Thomas E. Krahe from the Catholic University, and Dr. Jane Squires and Dr. Christopher Murray from the University of Oregon

Contact us

Please use the following e-mail to reach out to me.